South Australian Medical Heritage Society
Society Website & Virtual Museum

Welcome and please enjoy!

Professor Basil Hetzel AC, portrait.
Sir Howard Florey, portrait.

Upcoming Meetings:

March 27th, 2025

The next meeting of the SAMHS will be held on Thursday, 27th of March at the Dulwich Community Centre, 14 Union St, Dulwich at 6:00 pm.

We are delighted to welcome Emeritus Professor Ian Roberts-Thomson this month, on the topic "Showcasing the History of Medicine".

Emeritus Professor Ian Roberts-Thomson, well known to SAMHS members as the immediate past President and now our Patron, has had a distinguished career in academic Gastroenterology, with a particular focus on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Though semi-retired, he remains actively engaged in research and scholarship. His interest in medical history led him to bring the Australian & New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM) biennial conference to Adelaide, and he currently serves as a Councillor for ANZSHM. He has also recently contributed to the Wakefield Companion to South Australian History.

Emeritus Professor Ian Roberts-Thomson - "Showcasing the History of Medicine"

As always, guests are welcome; however, please register them ahead of the meeting if possible.

Latest Webpages:

Professor Donald Simpson AO

Dr Helen Mary Mayo OBE

Dr Laura Fowler

Matron Ethel Sarah Davidson CBE


If you are interested in becoming a member of the
South Australian Medical Heritage Society,
please see our membership form.

If you have comments, suggestions or corrections,
please let us know :
Web Content (Ian Roberts-Thomson)
Web Editor / Web Master (Greg Sampson)
