Dudley Byrne was born at Coobowie on York Peninsula on 10. May 1905. His education was at Adelaide High School . He graduated MB BS at the early age of 22 from the University of Adelaide. During his university years he played competitive tennis and A grade Lacrosse. He served in the 10th Battalion (Army Reserve) and later as RMO 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
After graduation he was an intern at the RAH and then RMO at the ACH, QVMH, and Parkside Mental Hospital . Between 1932 and 1935 he was the first Medical Superintendent at the Northfield Infectious Diseases Hospital .
He was an outstanding horseman, member of the Adelaide Hunt Club, Master of the Adelaide Riding Club and won many trophies.
In 1940 as a Major, AAMC, he raised 2/8 Fd Amb, AIF, 9th Division. He also formed a unit pipe band and trained its members as stretcher bearers.
In 1941, as OC B Coy 2/8 Fd Amb, his group was the first medical sub unit that travelled furthermost West along the North African Coast. He was an excellent military leader, avoiding the Afrika Korps ambush near Derna. During the siege of Tobruk he used discarded Italian communications equipment and ships ventilators to improve patient conditions.
He returned to Australia in mid 1942 and was promoted Lt.Col, 2/7 Fd Amb AIF training the unit to a very high level in the NT and Qld. Until December 1944 when a recurrent ankle injury terminated his front line military service.
After the war, he specialised in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He topped the MRCOG exams in 1950. In 1954 he became one of the first three Senior Honorary Obstetricians at TQEH and in 1959 was appointed Senior Honorary Gynaecologist at the RAH . He was chairman of the SA state committee and member of the Australian Regional Council RCOG before the formation of the RANZCOG.
The era of major gynaecological surgery was paramount and he became an expert in the J.V. Meigs’ modification of Wertheim’s hysterectomy. He enjoyed teaching medical students and nurses using his own hand drawn diagrams. He was very supportive of Colombo Plan students and interstate residents. Colin Suchting, retired gynaecologist has fond memories of his support.
The following photographs show some of the instruments used by Dr. Byrne in his practice