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History Week 27 May 2009

SITE: Staff dining room Glenside Campus.


  • SAMHS exhibit. 
  • Tour of Glenside historical sites,
  • Web-site launch

The Society’s exhibits were provided by the History Societies of the teaching hospitals: the RAH, TQEH WCH, the private hospital Çalvary, the Repat Museum and Dr.Joan Durdin. Rob Adams and David Buob kindly conducted the tours of Glenside historical sites and Michael Patkin showed and explained the SAHMS web-site.

The following photographs represent some of the activities.

Signing the register, Cr. Jacobsen and Norwegian exchange students

Orthopoedic demonstration by Mr. Tom Stevenson

Skeletal traction apparatus: Thomas splint (left leg), Braun frame (right leg).

Skeletal traction apparatus: Thomas splint (left leg), Braun frame (right leg).

Legend describing Braun frameLegend describing  Thomas’ splint Legends describing Braun frame and Steinmen’s pin (left) and Thomas’ splint (right)

 Charnley hip prosthesis


7 Examples of early and more recent hip prostheses provided by Mr. Tom Stevenson



Further hip and knee prostheses


Dr Michael Patkin demonstrating and explaining the SAMHS web-siteDr Michael Patkin demonstrating and explaining the SAMHS web-site


Women’s and Children’s Hospital ExhibitWomen’s and Children’s Hospital Exhibit kindly assembled by Margaret Lea

Demonstration from the QEH showing cardiac pacemakersDemonstration from the QEH showing cardiac pacemakers

12Atago Refractometer QEH

14Dr Fuller’s poster of early anaesthetic machines





David Buob and Rob Adams Exhibit of historic items from the Glenside Museum









An early ECT machine personally made by Dr. H.M. Birch, superintendent of South Australian Mental institutions in 1940. The controls are on the left. The telephone dial is used as a timer.









Saline pads, electrodes and needles for intravenous anaesthesia



19Visitors waiting for a tour of Glenside historical sites



Dr, Joan Durdin (left) with exhibit of her own books, M.D.thesis and other books on nursing by South Australian authors.









21A Schioetz tonometer from Calvary Hospital  Museum

Exhibit from the Repat Museum showing old and recent limb prostheses.







A gustometer apparatus, neurology TQEH

A 1936 ECG machine made by both in Prof Kerr-Grant’s department










The following photographs of the early days of the Adelaide Hospital were kindly selected for the exhibit of Dr. Peter Hetzel Chairman of the RAH Historical Committee.

25The Colonial Infirmary 1837 - 1841

Although the first Adelaide Hospital was not opened until 1841, attempts had been made to provide accommodation for the indigent sick prior to this, and in early 1837 a mud hut measuring 18' x12' was rented and the Colonial Infirmary came into being. This hut was situated on a site close to where Holy Trinity Church now stands.

In May 1837, a small thatched cottage on the site where the Hotel Centralia now stands, was purchased for use as a general dispensary and infirmary. This accommodation was abandoned in 1839 because of its inadequacies, and transferred to an imported prefabricated wooden building which was previously used as part of the Immigration Centre. This was situated in the west parklands near the Adelaide Boys High School and occupied until January 1841.



27Clockwise from top left.  (a) The old hospital grounds   (b) Sunday afternoon on the terrace, (c) North Terrace gate  (d) The hospital grounds.

28Two photographs of the Bice building at the RAH 1926 (top row)

Bottom row: McEwin building 1946 (lt). Corner. of North Terrace and Frome Road 1929 (right)
