
South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc

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Ethnic medicine
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     - Mediterran

Slipper Bed Pan & Enema Dispenser

Acknowledgment: The following items have been kindly donated by Mr. & Mrs. Lampre.

        Slipper Pan :   Sloping design, ceramic material, 35 x 15cms,                                with a handle & a cord for easy handling.
Enema dispenser:  Enamel container 20 x 15cms.
                              To accommodate 2 litres of fluid.
                              Associated rubber tubing and  rectal nozzles

The Slipper Pan, also sometimes called Fracture Pan, has been in use for centuries.

In the USA this name is also applied to pans used to collect the waste oils when a car is serviced. The pans may be made of various materials such as ceramics, stainless steel, or even plastics. In hospitals stainless steel is often used because of the ease in cleaning and sterilising. Some pans are provided with covers to prevent spillage during transport.

Enema Dispenser: The earliest medical mention of enemas appears in the “Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (15,000 BC). Their use is world wide, and their use has been described in India , China , and Europe . The American Indians used a syringe made of animal bladder, and a hollow leg bone. Currently plastic containers are common and various fluids are used. Phosphate, soap & water, as well as “Lauryl” derivatives, and complex sugars such as “Sorbitol” are used for their irritant and osmotic effects. Coffee were used with a nick-name “The Royal Flush”. The volumes vary from 1-2 litres and the infusion pressures are carefully monitored depending on the height of the can above the rectum.


Enema kit

Container, tube & rectal nozzle

Slipper bed pan

Slipper bed pan instructions

