
South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc

Website for the Virtual Museum


Past meetings

About the

Galleries of the Virtual Museum

Main Galleries

Hospitals,other    organisations
Individuals of    note

Small Galleries


Ethnic medicine
     - Aboriginal
     - Chinese
     - Mediterran

Who we are — About the South Australian Medical Heritage Society

About the Society

South Australia has a relatively brief but impressive Medical Heritage, one that is cherished by members of the South Australian Medical Heritage Society (SAMHS). SAMHS is committed to the appreciation of medical history, to identifying and recording artefacts of medical interest, and to making medical heritage information more readily available.

The Society was established in 1984 with the initial aim of establishing a Medical Museum. For various reasons – including financial ones - this goal seemed unlikely to be achieved. Energies were then directed towards establishing a website containing a "Virtual Museum".

In 2003 retired medical practitioners, Bernard Vaughan (radiologist) and Tony Slavotinek (surgeon) began locating, describing, and photographing items of medical interest scattered throughout the State. They were joined by Michael Patkin (surgeon), who contributed his computer skills to establish the SAMHS website including the Virtual Museum. An early interest was in radiology in SA. This equipment is dispersed in collections at Flinders Medical Centre, Glenside Hospital, Women's and Children's Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and private collections but all items are now all co-located in the Virtual Museum on SAMHS website.

Similarly many items, now over 500, grouped in 6 galleries and 80 folders can be found on the website. The website and the collection continues to grow. In addition SAMHS website now has a Biographical Library. There details of many notable SA health professionals can be found. These include doctors, scientists, nurses, dentists and others, including the States notable Nobel Laureates.

SAMHS currently has 70 registered members from a wide range of professions including historians, doctors, scientists, teachers, business men and others, all having a common interest in Medical Heritage.

Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6.00pm in the Dulwich Community Centre. An invited speaker addresses each meeting on a topic of medical history interest. Guests and new members are always welcome.

The Secretary, Maggi Boult, may be contacted by email at SA-MHS [at] outlook.com

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Office bearers, present and past

2024 - ...
President:Peter Roberts-Thomson
Secretary:Maggi Boult
Treasurer:Lloyd Stagg
Committee: Prue Cowled
Richard Heddle
Ross Philpot
Ian Roberts-Thomson
Tony Seymour

2022 - 2024
President:Peter Roberts-Thomson
Secretary:Joy Copland
Treasurer:Lloyd Stagg
Committee: Maggi Boult
David Close
Prue Cowled
Richard Heddle
Ian Roberts-Thomson [web editor]

2018 - 2022
President:Ian Roberts-Thomson
Secretary:Joy Copland
Treasurer:David Buob
Committee: Caroline Adams
Maggi Boult
David Close
Michael Kent
Leo Mahar
Iain McIntyre
Wayne Sampson
Tony Slavotinek

2016 - 2018
President:Wayne Sampson
Secretary:Joy Copland
Treasurer:David Buob
Committee: Caroline Adams
Chris Hughes
Michael Kent
Leo Mahar
Iain McIntyre
Ian Roberts-Thomson
Tony Slavotinek

2015 - 2016
President:Wayne Sampson
Secretary:Joy Copland
Treasurer:Mr. David Buob

2014 - 2015
President:C. R. T. (Chris) Hughes
Secretary:Millicent Hughes, OAM
Treasurer:David Buob

2013 - 2014
President:C. R. T. (Chris) Hughes
Secretary:Millicent Hughes, OAM
Treasurer:David Buob
Committee: Tony Slavotinek
Wayne Sampson
Caroline Adams
Joy Copland
Michael Kent

2012 - 2013
President:C. R. T. (Chris) Hughes
Secretary:Millicent Hughes, OAM
Treasurer:David Buob
Website Co-ordinator:Tony Slavotinek
Committee: Rob Cooter
Michael Kent
Joy Copland
Wayne Sampson

2011 - 2012
President:C. R. T. (Chris) Hughes
Secretary:Millicent Hughes, OAM
Treasurer:David Buob
Committee: Donald Simpson
Tony Slavotinek
Rob Cooter
Michael Kent
Wayne Sampson

2010 - 2011
President:C. R. T. (Chris) Hughes
Secretary:Millicent Hughes, OAM
Treasurer:David Buob
Committee: Rob Cooter
Tom Stevenson
Donald Simpson
Tony Slavotinek
Wayne Sampson

2005 - 2009
President:Tony Slavotinek
Secretary:Colin Suchting
Treasurer:David Buob

2003 - 2005
President:Tony Slavotinek
Secretary:Trevor White
Treasurer:David Buob

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