
South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc

Website for the Virtual Museum


Past meetings

About the

Galleries of the Virtual Museum

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Hospitals,other    organisations
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Ethnic medicine
     - Aboriginal
     - Chinese
     - Mediterran

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Society

18th March 2010, 4.00 pm,
Surgical Seminar Room, Department of Surgery TQEH


The President, Chris Hughes, welcomed  10 members and friends.

Apologies: D Beard, M Patkin ,W Kitchener, D. Simpson, D Buob, R Adams. G Szondy, G Fischer, J Durdin .T Stevenson,

Introduction of the Speaker: Chris Hughes introduced the speaker, Prof. Suzanne Miller, Director of the SA Museum.

Prof Miller gave an enthralling talk about Creating Collections – referring mostly to Medical Collections, and scattered collections. She also spoke about Web Collections and was very interested in our Virtual Museum.

Tony Slavotinek thanked Prof. Miller for her talk. He highlighted how much she had told us about what collections were and about managing them.

The secretary was directed to contact Prof. Miller and see if we could get a copy of her talk.

Business Meeting

Minutes of meeting of 18-2-10 Accepted
1. Murray Bridge Conference- Tony Slavotinek and Millicent Hughes  to go on Tuesday a.m.
2. History Week- Michael Patkin to be asked if he can attend website at NCW-SA on 28 and 30, May 2010

Committee report

1. Institutional Membership of ANZ Medical History Society –

2. Medical Trail- draft plan discussed. Prof Miller reminded us the Adelaide people do not walk from place and only visit sites once.

3. Ron Cooter writing book on Ceduna Health Service.

Other business

Royal Society on North Terrace would be available, free of charge for meeting (Suzanne Miller)

Next Meeting

Thursday 22 April at 4.00pm at Surgical Seminar Room; Department. of Surgery TQEH Woodville.
Speaker: Dr. Joan Durdin
Draft title ”History of  Nursing in SA”

Millicent Hughes – Secretary