
South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc

Website for the Virtual Museum


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Annual Reports — Minutes of AGM


Annual General Meeting of the Society held at 5:30pm on Thursday 23th August 2018, in the Royal Society rooms off Kintore Ave. Adelaide.


  1. Welcome

    President Wayne Sampson welcomed four new members, 31 members, four guests and the guest speaker to the meeting.

  2. Apologies

    Apologies for Gill and Leon Pitchon, Ian Roberts-Thomson, Ruth Devine and Lorraine Trotter were recorded in the Attendance register.

  3. Minutes of previous AGM, 25 August 2017

    Accepted, proposed J. Crowhurst, seconded I. McIntyre.

  4. Business

    • President’s Report 2017-8 prepared by Wayne Sampson had been circulated to members, and was summarised by W. Sampson. In particular, he noted the death of SAMHS founding member and Patron, Emeritus Professor Donald Simpson; the very successful Z-ward display of medical memorabilia and the inaugural AMA (SA) speaker at a SAMHS meeting (P. Kreminski). He also thanked the Secretary for her work throughout the year. In addition, he thanked the executive and all committee members during his term as president, saying it was a privilege and honour to serve with them. The report was accepted.
    • The Treasurer’s Report, prepared by David Buob had been circulated to members was summarised by D. Buob. The final balance for 2017-8 was $2,964.38, about $300 more than the previous year. He noted the generosity of several members who chose not to seek reimbursement for costs. Accepted.
    • The Website report comprising visits, new topics and meeting presentations is in progress by Tony Slavotinek. W. Sampson summarised website activity including recent pages on Professor Donald Simpson. He commended Tony Slavotinek and the webmaster for their work on the SAMHS website, including an increase in mutual links to other organisations, and the History Trust of SA web portal.
  5. Election of Officers for 2018-2019

    Professor A. Radford presided over the meeting for appointment of 2018-9 office bearers. All positions were declared vacant, and names of nominees read to the meeting.

    President:Ian Roberts-Thomson
    Vice President:Iain McIntyre
    Secretary:Joy Copland
    Treasurer:David Buob

                   Tony Slavotinek, Wayne Sampson, Leo Mahar, Iain McIntyre, Michael Kent, Chris Hughes, David Close, Caroline Adams.

    All nominees were elected unopposed for 2018-2019; accepted by vote.

    In the absence of Ian Roberts-Thomson, the former President, Wayne Sampson resumed the chair and thanked Professor Radford.

  6. Patron

    W. Sampson spoke to a motion proposing Mr Tony Slavotinek as Patron, seconded by C. Hughes and accepted by vote, accompanied by applause.

  7. Other Business

    • Wayne Sampson thanked Audrey and Michael Kent and Janice Watson for their tireless and generous provision of nibbles throughout year.
    • T. Slavotinek spoke to a motion to honour our late Patron and founding member of the Society; he proposed that in future, one speaker per year deliver a 'Professor Donald Simpson Memorial Oration/Lecture', preferably at the Annual General Meeting of the SA Medical Heritage Society Inc., seconded C. Hughes. Accepted by vote.
    • W. Sampson, thanked committee members involved in reviewing the SAMHS constitution, especially Michael Kent. He anticipates the constitution will be circulated to members for comment in the next few months.
    • Notice of book launch "Have Stethoscope, will travel" by A. Radford on 7 September at Tabor.
  8. Introduction of Speaker

    Dr Phil Harding introduced Dr Brian Brophy as an appropriate choice for speaker for the AGM as a neurosurgeon who had wintered in Antarctica. He noted that it was difficult to ignore the presence of Douglas Mawson at the University of Adelaide, and invited Dr Brophy to address the audience on "Douglas Mawson and the Far East Antarctic Journey 1912-1913".

    Speaker: Dr Brophy gave an insightful picture of Mawson's early life and interest in exploring Antarctica. After describing a trip to the South Magnetic Pole and interactions with Robert Scott, he gave background information on Ninnis and Mertz. With some original photographs, he described the ill-fated Far East Antarctic journey, and covered the ravages of illness that befell Mawson towards the end of his trip. He then considered the likely diagnosis of toxic Vitamin A levels. After discussing sources of vitamin A, he spoke of the later BANZARE expedition. One audience member recalled seeing Mawson in 1942 at Adelaide University. Many and varied questions emanated from this most interesting presentation, eliciting some fascinating information from the speaker. The audience showed appreciation by applause.

    Vote of thanks: Dr Harding thanked Dr Brophy for a talk on a topic of intense interest and noted it was good to be reminded of the exploits of early explorers and their perils, including vitamin A. On behalf of SAMHS, Wayne Sampson presented Dr Brophy with a gift signifying appreciation.

  9. Next AGM

    Thursday 22nd August 2019.

  10. Next general meeting

    Thursday 27 September 2018.

    Speaker: Emeritus Professor Max Kamien - "The Francis Hardey Faulding Research Memorial Prize for research in Australian General Practice 1964-1999: a South Australian initiative".

Meeting closed 7:00 pm.


Annual General Meeting of the Society held at 5:30pm on Thursday 25th August 2017, in the Royal Society rooms off Kintore Ave Adelaide.


  1. Welcome

    President Wayne Sampson welcomed 29 members including our patron, three guests and the guest speaker to the meeting.

  2. Apologies

    Fourteen apologies were received.

  3. Minutes of previous AGM, 25 August 2016 accepted

    Proposed I. Roberts-Thomson, seconded D. Simpson.

  4. Business

    • President’s Report 2016-7 (Wayne Sampson), summarised by W. Sampson. Accepted, proposed A. Radford, seconded C. Hughes.
    • The Treasurer’s Report, prepared by David Buob, was summarised by W. Sampson. The final balance for 2016-7 was $2,648.36. Accepted, proposed J. Watson, seconded L. Mahar.
    • The Website report comprising visits, new topics and meeting presentations was summarised by Tony Slavotinek and will be circulated to members. He thanked Dr M. Hughes for her contribution and aims to continue her involvement with the website.
  5. Election of Officers for 2017-2018

    Prof. A. Radford presided over the meeting for appointment of 2017-8 office bearers. He noted Dr M. Hughes absence from the nominees after many years of outstanding service to the society and thanked her for her untiring effort. After all positions were declared vacant, the nominees for all positions were elected.

    President:Wayne Sampson
    Vice President:Ian Roberts-Thomson
    Secretary:Joy Copland
    Vice Secretary:Caroline Adams
    Treasurer:David Buob

    No further nominees were declared for the committee, and all nominees were elected unopposed for 2017-2018. Accepted by vote.

    Committee 2017-8:
                   Caroline Adams, Chris Hughes, Michael Kent, Leo Mahar, Ian Roberts-Thomson, Tony Slavotinek.

    The President, Wayne Sampson resumed in the chair and thanked Professor Radford.

  6. Other Business

    • Wayne Sampson thanked Audrey and Michael Kent and Janice Watson for their generous provision of nibbles throughout year.
    • Meeting format – W. Sampson summarised the business-first meeting structure of most ordinary meetings in 2017, and members voted to retain the format.
    • Governance matters for 2017-8– W. Sampson explained the requirement for a constitution and appointment of a Public Officer to comply with the Associations Incorporation Regulations 2008.
    • Australian & New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine Inc. (ANZSHM) formal link: After some background information and in response to three members who raised the item independently, W. Sampson proposed the motion 'That the committee of the South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc. explore becoming the SA chapter or branch or an associated body of the ANZSHM and report back to a general meeting within three months'. Seconded by A Radford.
      Several members (A. Radford, J. Scarfe, R. Scragg) spoke to the motion. Of note, four SAMHS members presented at the recent ANZSHM conference and around 12 SAMHS members belong to both societies. Drs Scarfe, Radford and Crowhurst to be invited to the next committee meeting for discussion of details, mechanism, advantages and disadvantages; the motion was passed by member vote.
  7. Introduction of Speaker

    Wayne Sampson introduced Professor Kaye Roberts-Thomson to speak on "History & relevance of water fluoridation".

    Speaker: Professor Roberts-Thomson held the attention of the audience as she described many early steps identifying the link between fluoride and teeth health. Not least was the inability to detect fluoride until chromatography assays were available. The audience was impressed with the early uptake of fluoridated water in some states of Australia after a major epidemiologic study in USA showed its worth. Further insight into the complexity of the topic came from variation in fluoride concentrations in natural water supplies, safety studies, and astonishing information about caries-related hospital admissions of children. Many questions emanated from this interesting topic, all were clearly answered by the speaker. The audience and showed great appreciation by applause.

    Vote of thanks: Wayne Sampson thanked Professor Roberts-Thomson for an interesting talk on a topic pertinent to everyone.

  8. Next AGM

    23 August 2018.

  9. Next General meeting

    Thursday 28th September 2016.

    Speaker: Professor Alastair McLennan - "From Changeling babies and Witches, through “Birth Asphyxia” and lawyers to the lottery of genetic variation".

Meeting closed 7:00 pm.


Annual General Meeting of the Society held at 5:30pm on Thursday 25th August 2016, in the Royal Society rooms off Kintore Ave Adelaide.


  1. Welcome

    Deputy President Chris Hughes welcomed 19 members to the meeting.

  2. Apologies

    12 pre-meeting apologies included Wayne Sampson and David Buob.

  3. Minutes of previous AGM August 2015 ratified

    Proposed A. Radford, seconded I. Roberts-Thomson.

  4. Business
    • President’s Report 2015-6 (Wayne Sampson), was summarised by C. Hughes. Accepted, proposed A. Radford, seconded M. Hughes.
    • The Treasurer’s Report, prepared by David Buob, was summarised by C. Hughes. The final balance for 2015-6 was $3,157.02. Accepted, proposed J. Watson, seconded M. Hughes.
    • Website / Virtual Museum (Tony Slavotinek). To be prepared for the September meeting.

  5. Election of Officers for 2016-2017

    Call from floor for presiding officer: A. Radford presided over the meeting for appointment of office bearers. After all positions were declared vacant, the nominees for executive positions were elected unopposed; proposed R. Scragg, seconded L. Mahar.

    President:Wayne Sampson
    Secretary:Joy Copland
    Treasurer:David Buob

    No further nominees were declared for the committee, and all nominees were elected unopposed for 2016-2017. Accepted, proposed R. Scragg, seconded L. Mahar.

    Committee 2016-7:
                   Caroline Adams, Chris Hughes, Millicent Hughes, Michael Kent, Leo Mahar, Ian Roberts-Thomson, Tony Slavotinek.

    The deputy President resumed in the chair and thanked Professor Radford.

  6. Other Business

    • Chris Hughes thanked Audrey and Michael Kent and Janice Watson for their generous provision of nibbles throughout year. He added that, to defray costs in future, the committee will offer $20 per meeting to those providing nibbles. Ratified by vote from members.
    • Membership fees - Chris Hughes reminded members of a notice circulated with the meeting documents that contains bank details for electronic transfer of fees and a postal address for cheques. He thanked Rossie Smart for acting as treasurer for cash payments on the night.
    • Meeting format - Chris Hughes summarised a suggestion from the committee that, for ordinary meetings, the business meeting should be held before the speaker.
    • Patron - Chris Hughes informed the meeting of a suggestion by the committee that SAMHS should consider appointing a patron. He noted that a previous Minister of Health had occupied the role of patron. Discussion from the floor indicated there was general support for the concept, and a medical person of high repute would be appropriate. This will be discussed further by the incoming committee.
  7. Refreshment Break

    Following a refreshment break, the meeting reconvened for the speaker.

  8. Introduction of Speaker

    Chris Hughes introduced Professor Leo Mahar to speak on "The development of Interventional Cardiology".

    Speaker: Professor Mahar held the attention of the audience as he described milestones in the progression of interventional cardiology and his well-illustrated slides provided insight into these procedures. After putting questions to the speaker, the audience and showed much appreciation by applause.

    Vote of thanks: Chris Hughes thanked Dr Mahar for an interesting talk on a topic pertinent to everyone.

  9. Next General meeting

    Thursday 22nd September 2016.
    Speakers: Caroline Adams & Kathy Devonshire-Gill: "Nothing new under the sun".

  10. Next AGM

    24 August 2017.

Meeting closed 7:15pm.


The Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Thursday 27th August 2015 at 5.30pm.
It was held in the Royal Society Rooms, Kintore Ave. Adelaide.


  1. Welcome.

  2. Present.

    16 members and guests.

  3. Apologies.

    Margaret Wall, Donald Simpson, Robert Goldney, Michael Kent, Audrey Kent, Joy Copland, David Thomas, Daphne Moore, Eric Madaffari.

  4. Speaker.

    Introduced by Prof. Wayne Sampson.

    Dr. Joe Verco — "Contribution Of The Verco Family To Medicine And Health In SA".

    Dr Verco spoke and illustrated the involvement of his family in all aspects of development of SA, particularly in the establishment of the medical school and health in general.

    Vote of Thanks: Wayne Sampson.

  5. Refreshment Break.

    There was a brief recess for drinks prior to the Business Meeting.


  7. Minutes Of Annual General Meeting 2014 Ratified.

    C. Adams / A. Radford.

  8. Business Arising From Minutes.


  9. Correspondence.


  10. President's Report.

    Wayne Sampson.

  11. Treasurer's Report.

    David Buob.

  12. Website Report.

  13. Election Of Officers For 2015-2016.

    The following nominations had been received:

    President:Wayne Sampson
    Secretary:Joy Copland
    Treasurer:David Buob
    Committee:Tony Slavotinek
    Chris Hughes
    Caroline Adams
    Millicent Hughes
    Michael Kent

    Officers and committee elected unopposed.

  14. Other Business.

    Roy Scragg raised the issue of a paper printed by ANZ Society of Medical History about PNG which he felt contained many errors. He will write a letter to Caroline Adams (now on BOD of ANZ Society of Medical History). She will raise issue at the next meeting on this BOD.

  15. Announcement.

    Next Meeting 24-9-15. Speaker: Dr. Caroline Adams – "Nurses in World War".

Millicent Hughes,
email: emandcee [at] bigpond.com


Held on Thursday 28th of August, 2014, Royal Society Rooms.

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Thursday 28 August 2014 at 5:41.


  1. Welcome.

    David Buob welcomed members (as per list) to the AGM.

  2. Apologies.

    (as per list)

  3. Business.

  4. Election of Officers for 2014-2015.

    PresidentChris Hughes
    SecretaryMillicent Hughes
    TreasurerDavid Buob
    CommitteeTony Slavotinek
    Wayne Sampson
    Joy Copland
    Michael Kent
    Caroline Adams

    Moved by Tony Radford, Seconded Janice Watson.

  5. Business Arising.

    A vote of thanks to be recorded for Audrey and Michael Kent and Janice Watson for their provision of drinks and nibbles.

    As per David Buob's suggestion it was proposed that membership be raised to $20, the society stock up on wine and that Audrey and Michael be given some payment for refreshments.
    Moved Michael Kent, Seconded Roy Scragg, carried unanimously.

  6. Refreshment Break.

    There was a brief refreshment break at 5:56.

  7. Speaker.

    David Buob called on Tony Radcliffe to introduce Professor Sampson who spoke on the life of Hugh Cairns.

  8. Announcements.

    Next Meeting Thursday 25 September 2014.

  9. Meeting closed.

    The meeting closed at 6:49.


Held on Thursday 22nd of August, 2013, Royal Society Rooms.

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Thursday 22nd of August, 2013 at 5.30pm in the Royal Society Rooms, Kintore Ave. Adelaide.


1. Welcome.

President Chris Hughes welcomed 24 members to the AGM.

2. Apologies.

As per apologies list.

3. Minutes Of Annual General Meeting 2012 Accepted.

Moved David Buob, second Tony Slavotinek.

4. Business Arising From Minutes.

There was no business arising from minutes.

5. Correspondence.

No significant correspondence had been received.

6. President's Report.

Chris Hughes.

7. Treasurer's Report.

David Buob.

8. Website Report.

Tony Slavotinek - Virtual Museum to be expanded to contain new significant medical events as well as ones from the past. Website is expanding and running well.

Millicent Hughes moved that "an honorarium of $250 be paid to Greg Sampson for his continuing work on the website". Seconded Tony Slavotinek. Passed.

9. Election Of Officers For 2013 - 2014.

The following members were elected for the year 2013 - 2014:

President: Chris Hughes
Secretary: Millicent Hughes
Treasurer: David Buob
Committee: Tony Slavotinek, Wayne Sampson, Caroline Adams, Joy Copland, Michael Kent

10. Other Business.

Joy Copland requested the website address to appear on all SAMHS communications. This was agreed by the meeting.

A brief break for refreshments was taken.

11. Speaker.

Dr Joan Durdin spoke on "The Great Matron Dispute of 1896". Joan presented a eventful description and explanation of these well-spoken of but not clearly understood events. She completed her talk by highlighting Margaret Graham - her personality and major changes she made in medicine - particularly nursing in her career.

12. Vote Of Thanks.

President Chris thanked Joan for her informative address.

13. Announcements.

Next General Meeting 26-09-13. Speaker Dr. Paul Weston: History of neurophysiology.

Millicent Hughes,

Contact details:

  • phone:    83794633
  • email:     emandcee@bigpond.com
  • Website: www.samhs.org.au


Held on Thursday 23rd August 2012, Royal Society Rooms

The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Thursday 23rd of August 2012 at 5.30pm in the Royal Society Rooms, Kintore Ave. Adelaide.

1. Welcome.

President Chris Hughes welcomed 20 members and guests.

2. Apologies.

Kevin and Robyn O'Brien, David Gill, Peter Roberts–Thomson, Martin Copland, Audrey Kent, Franz de Zwart, Anne Hamilton-Bruce, Graham Truman, Bill Lawson.

3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2011.

Moved Tony Slavotinek. Seconded Janice Watson. Minutes accepted.

4. Business arising from minutes.


5. Correspondence.

1. Australian Federation of Historical Societies Newsletter August 2012.

6. President's report.

Chris Hughes.

7. Treasurer's report.

David Buob.

8. Website report.

Tony Slavotinek - Website is well maintained by Greg Sampson. Vote of thanks from SAMHS for this work. Some new items added this year.

9. Election of officers for 2012-13.

President - Chris Hughes
Secretary - Millicent Hughes
Treasurer - David Buob
Website Coordinator - Tony Slavotinek
Committee - Rob Cooter, Michael Kent, Joy Copland, Wayne Sampson

Donald Simpson retired from the Committee. He was thanked for all his efforts on SAMHS behalf. He will represent SAMHS on a proposed Committee working to establish a Medical Museum in Adelaide.

9. Other business

David Buob announced a meeting at the State Library celebrating the Glenside Historical Society. Members wishing to attend to contact David Buob.

There was a short break for refreshments at this time.

10. Speaker

Following this interval President Chris introduced the speaker - Dr. John Smith.

Dr. Smith spoke about “Antarctic Medicine”, reminding us that Australia has had a medical association with Antarctica for over 70 years. The service is of high quality and offers medical service on all 4 bases plus supply ships. He told of his personal love for Antarctica and of his personal patient experiences. It was an exhilarating talk.

Dr Smith was thanked by Millicent Hughes.

Millicent Hughes


Held on Thursday 25th August 2011, Royal Society Rooms

The Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Thursday 25th August 2011 at 5.30pm in the Royal Society Rooms, Kintore Ave. Adelaide.

Call to Order 5:30 p.m.

1. Welcome

President Chris Hughes welcomed members and guests to the meeting.

2. Apologies

T. Stevenson, D. Simpson, G. Fischer, K. O’Brien, R. O’Brien, P. Payne, D. Buob.

Present - 16 members and 2 guests.

3. Minutes of annual general meeting 2010

Moved. G Truman / Sec. T. Slavotinek.

4. Business arising from minutes


5 Correspondence


6. President’s report

7. Treasurer’s report

In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary reported that the Society was in a good financial position.

8. Election of Officers for 2010-2011.

The following were elected

President - Chris Hughes
Secretary - Millicent Hughes
Treasurer - David Buob
Committee - Donald Simpson, Tony Slavotinek, Rob Cooter, Michael Kent and Wayne Sampson.

9. Other business

No further business.

There was a short break for refreshments at this time.
The President thanked Janice Watson for supplying the refreshments.

10. Speaker


11. Vote of Thanks

Bill Lawson moved the vote of thanks highlighting the informative and interesting address by Dr. Antic on a disease which had much influence on the settlement and development of SA. He especially noted the work of Dr. Harry Wunderlich in the control of TB in SA. Surely a notable South Australian for the Virtual Museum.

12. Announcements

Members were reminded of the Program details for the next 3 months by the Secretary.

Contact details – phone: 83794633 / email: emandcee@bigpond.com


Held on Thursday 17th June 2010, Royal Society Rooms

The Annual General Minutes of the Society held on Thursday 17th June 2010 at 4.00pm. It was held in the Seminar Room Royal Society Rooms, North Tce Adelaide.

Call to Order 4 p.m.

1. Welcome

President Chris Hughes welcomed members and the guest speaker for the afternoon – Prof. M. Henneberg.

2. Present

12 members as per attendance book.

3. Aplogies

13 as per attendance book, including the Secretary, Millicent Hughes.

4. Minutes of AGM of 27-5-09 were accepted.

Moved by Donald Simpson, Seconded by Tony Slavotinek.
No business arising.

5. Election of officers for 2010-2011

President - Chris Hughes – reelected
Secretary - Millicent Hughes – reelected
Treasurer - David Buob – reelected.

There were no new nominations to the Committee. The committee of Rob Cooter, Tom Stevenson, Donald Simpson, Tony Slavotinek, and Wayne Sampson were re-elected. Members were reminded that anyone interested in being on the Committee was welcome to join this group.

6. President’s Report (Chris Hughes).

The President highlighted some issues in the report-programme for past year, need to consider time of meeting and venue for meetings. These for future discussion. He also highlighted the contribution of Tony Slavotenek and Michael Patkin in maintaining, and running the SAHMS website and virtual museum. The report was accepted.

7. Treasurer’s Report (David Buob)

This report was presented.
There is also an up-to-date list of membership.
Funds in bank - June 2010 = $2153.63.
The report was accepted.

8. Chris Hughes introduced the speaker - Prof Maciej Henneberg.

He gave an fine interesting address on "What we are learning about the Ancient Health and Medicine from the Studies of the Bone remains from Pompeii".
The vote of thanks and presentation to Prof Henneberg was made by Prof Donald Simpson.

Meeting closed at 5.30pm

Chris Hughes (President)
Contact details – phone 83794633 / email emandcee@bigpond.com


Held on Glenside Campus 27 May 2009

Call to Order 4 p.m. – Tony Slavotinek. 


[waiting on notes] 


John Sweeney

Minutes of AGM – May 2008. 

Confirmed on motion of Colin Suchting and Ian Forbes.

Business arising

– nil.

President’s Report

– Tabled and circulated.

Secretary’s Report (included here for convenience)

– Apology from Dr John Sweeney
Expenses $28.15

Treasurer’s Report – tabled (included here for convenience).

SA Medical Heritage Society Treasurer’s Report May 2009.

Since reconstitution of the Society in March 2005 the Society has grown to a membership of 69 with 36 being currently financial.

Opening balance at the May 2008 AGM was $1,697.32.

In the 12 month period receipts totaled $520.00, with $320 from membership subscriptions and $200 from member donations.

Expenditure totaled $20.55 with this total mount being secretarial expenses.

The Society’s financial position as at May 2009 was a net balance of $2,016.77

Less expenses      $28.15



David Buob


 Election of Officers for 2009-2010 – conducted by Dr Ian Forbes.

Ian delivered a tribute to Tony Slavotinek who was retiring after four years as President and to Colin Suchting who was retiring after two years as Secretary.  This was carried with acclamation.

Nominations were called for President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Committee members.

Dr C.R.T. (Chris) Hughes was nominated by Dr R Cooter and seconded by Tony Slavotinek for the position of President.  He was unopposed and elected unanimously.

Dr Millicent Marion was nominated by Dr de Zwart and seconded by Mr Wayne Kitchener for the position of Secretary.  She was unopposed and elected unanimously.

 Prof. Donald Simpson, Prof. Wayne Sampson, Mr Thomas Stevenson and Mr David Buob (Treasurer) were nominated by Dr Joan Durdin and seconded by Dr W Fuller.  They were elected unanimously.

Dr Robert Cooter was nominated by Prof. Simpson and seconded by Michael Patkin.  He was elected unanimously.

Dr Chris Hughes, in accepting the Presidency, paid tribute to the work of Tony Slavotinek.

The meeting closed at 4.13 p.m.

Earlier minutes—being added as available



Welcome by Tony Slavotinek.

Introducing our Host, Dr Brian Fotheringham.

Guest Speaker, Mr Donald Beard "The Life of Sir Henry Simson Newland"

Refreshments available. Recently listed medical heritage equipment will be displayed.



Presiding: Tony Slavotinek
1.          12 Noon. Welcome
2.1        Members, Apology : Graham Truman.
3 Minutes.

3.1 Meeting (M5) held at the TQEH on Tuesday 30 August 2005. Moved that the Minutes be adopted .Carried.
3.2 Meeting (G3) held at Calvary Health Care on Thursday 15 September
2005. Dr W R Fuller will provide a summary of his talk, "A History of
General Anaesthesia". Moved that the Report be received. Carried.
3.2 Business arising. Discussion on the preferred time for General Meetings,
including "Daylight Saving", resulted in deciding to remain with the
4 pm. start for the remainder of 2005.

4. Administration of the Society.

4.1 President. Summarised the visits and people contacted for the period. Report be Received .Carried.
4.2 Secretary. Submitted expenses for the mailout of General Meeting (G3) Members Notices Payment approved.
Correspondence. Nil.
4.3 Treasurer; Report.
Current Balance Account $1908.

6. Reports of (sub-) Committees/Groups.

5.1 History. Tony Slavotinek presented his progress on the theme "Syringes".
5.2 Collection / Acquisition. John Couper-Smartt displayed new items "Resuscitators".
5.3 Information Technologies
John Couper-Smartt reported on his progress with the software program File Maker Catalogue.
5.4 Program: General Members Meetings and Speakers.
Tentative date 17 November 2005 at St. Johns, Unley.
Host Dr Brian Fotheringham. Speaker Mr Donald Beard.
5.6 David Buob provided information on other Society/Organisation events for 2006.

6. Other Groups and Interchange of Information.

7.General Membership and Membership of other Bodies.

Current Membership and contact addresses update still outstanding.

8.      General Business and next Meetings. Committee of Management Tuesday 25 October, 12noon TQEH venue.
9.      Closure. 1 pm.

